Gratitude - the key to a happy life

Like everything in your life - what you have is a matter of your perception.

On the other side the grass might look greener, but when you look closer you might realize: There are lots of beautiful, colorful flowers on your side!

I have to admit it. It is like a law that on the other side the grass seems greener.

No matter what I compare,  I will always find something, which others have and I don't have. And the same applies the other way round! Because every one and every life is different. Differences have good and bad aspects. That's why in Yoga, we stay focused on our own practice and don't look at the other people. You focus on your own body and your own mat, not your neighbors.

In every aspect of Yoga lies a hidden wisdom for life.

Don't compare with others - they have other gifts than you. Just be with yourself and appreciate your own gifts! Not only will you feel happier, but you will also attract more of what you are grateful for.

In my situation during the lock-down in India, I am lucky enough to start my days with a nice gentle Yoga and Prana Yama practice and after that with fresh tropical fruits on the balcony,  listening to the birds on the tree in front of the house. I can stay in touch with everyone around the globe digitally. I have plenty of time to read, practice and teach online Yoga during the day. And to spend time with my partner. We enjoy together, read, cook, have conversations and sleep as much as we want. We are literally living a dream! I have to admit, I love the actual lock-down situation and would not want it to be any other way.

With a positive mindset we can truly LOVE the place and life we live. I love it - despite all these restrictions and unexpected and unfamiliar changes! I truly embrace that this has happened.

I tell you: Simply change the perception and your world is a gift! WE ARE SO RICH but often only realize what we had when we have to let it go or don't realize it at all.

There are millions of people for whom your life is their dream but unfortunately not their reality. For you it is.

In the beginning we tend to be more enthusiastic about everything we get and achieve.
Then slowly and unknowingly things loose their spark, just because they are not new anymore and we got used to them.

But if you try, you can remember their value for ever.

You have the ability to celebrate the small things and be more aware of them.

If you focus for a moment, you can find so many valuable things in your life!

These things might have just become self understanding for you. But they are worth to be grateful.

One thing that helps to remember their value is to remember how you felt when you first achieved things, did them or tried them. There was that spark and that gratefulness. It was so special!

Remember the first time of everything that is part of your life right now. How you ate your favorite dish for the first time. Your first kiss with your partner. The first time using your new dishwasher or the first time cutting onions with a new sharp knife. The first night in your new home. Or the first time doing sun salutation on your own count. The first time running in your new running shoes.

The list is endless...

And all these little things are still that special and amazing,  when you are just aware.

It is called:


Try it - you will find your self in the most beautiful green grass paradise you have ever seen: YOUR LIFE!


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