Niyamas - the five ethical guidelines or "DO"s in Yoga
The Niyamas are the second of the eight limbs of Yoga . In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali , they are described right after the Yamas . Whereas Yamas are rules what a Yoga practitioner should not do towards others and oneself, the Niyamas describe what one should do. They also have to be practised on a mental level to improve ones clarity and inner peace of mind. The Niyamas are 1. Saucha 2. Santosa 3. Tapah 4. Svadhyaya 5. Isvara Pranidana SAUCHA Saucha is the first Niyama and it means cleanliness or purity. A clean body and mind keep you physically and mentally healthy. When you are free from physical disturbances and mental worries, you can successfully focus on your goals and needs. But what does purity of body and mind mean practically? How can we achieve it? Let's start with the outer appearance . First of all, purity means we should regularly have showers, wash hands, brush teeth, change clothes and maintain our daily hygiene. You can also start using a tongue...
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