Yamas - the five "DON'T"s in Yoga
The Yamas are life skills practiced by a true Yogi in every action, thought and word. With discipline and without exceptions. Everyone can practice them. Even a business man or someone who has never tried (physical) Yoga (=Asanas) before. You need a lot of self control to practice these principles, but your surroundings are like a mirror. When you truly succeed in following those Yamas, only good will happen to you and it will transform your life! Try it, it may sound unbelievable , but it really does work . The better you get in these practices, the easier your life becomes. I know it from my own experience! The 5 Yamas are 1. Ahimsa 2. Satya 3. Asteya 4. Brahmacharya 5. Aparigraha The names are in Sanskrit, a very meaningful language of the ancient scriptures about Yoga philosophy. Sanskrit words always have several deeper meanings which we can nowadays, with modern languages, hardly describe in words. I will try to explain it as far as I can a...