
Showing posts from 2018

Life in India, from a western perspective

Since public internet and globalization reached India in around 1995, massive changes have taken place. Sometimes I think it is a shame that I coudn't experience the old India, but on the other side I think I a happy I get to experience it this way. Nowadays especially in big cities modernization and western influence through TV and Internet meet the old traditions of the country. It is a mixture of ancient culture and modern life, also visible in the family and personal life of the people. It is a beautiful mix. India is incredibly rich in culture and it is different than everything I have ever experienced before. This travel experience enriched my life with so many new perspectives, especially when it comes to family life and mindset. To be in India always feels like a fairy tale or time travelling to a different age. In this blogpost I want to share my learnings about India. P lease keep in mind, that this is just one of many experiences and every experience is uniq...

My very first arrival in Mumbai - as a blond woman, travelling alone (India, October 2017)

When I first arrived at the airport in Mumbai I had to go through several security checks. I was very nervous. The guys at the passport check seriously checked every single Visa. A few people in the cue in front of me were refused to let in. Then the guy behind the desk was first not able to register my visa, again and again trying to scan my passport. Half an hour later, when everyone else was already gone to the baggage claim, I still stood there in front of the desk. The officer had in the meantime asked for help of his colleagues. Another thirty minutes later I was finally allowed to go through the gate and pick up my backpack. It was already driving around alone on the conveyor. I exchanged my last twenty Euro cash in Indian Rupees. I got about 20000 Rupees for it. Wow! I never had so many banknotes in my hand before! Then my first steps out of the airport! Straight to the Rickshaws. Luckily, I was well informed and knew the appropriate prices for a Rickshaw drive to my ...

Niyamas - the five ethical guidelines or "DO"s in Yoga

The Niyamas are the second of the eight limbs of Yoga . In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali , they are described right after the Yamas . Whereas Yamas are rules what a Yoga practitioner should not do towards others and oneself, the Niyamas describe what one should do. They also have to be practised on a mental level to improve ones clarity and inner peace of mind. The Niyamas are 1. Saucha 2. Santosa 3. Tapah 4. Svadhyaya 5. Isvara Pranidana SAUCHA Saucha is the first Niyama and it means cleanliness or purity.  A clean body and mind keep you physically and mentally healthy. When you are free from physical disturbances and mental worries, you can successfully focus on your goals and needs. But what does purity of body and mind mean practically? How can we achieve it? Let's start with the outer appearance . First of all, purity means we should regularly have showers, wash hands, brush teeth, change clothes and maintain our daily hygiene. You can also start using a tongue...